The Black Music History Library

Die Musikjournalistin Jenzia Burgos hat, nachdem dieser Instagram-Post im Juni viral gegangen war, nun offiziell The Black Music History Library gegründet. Fokus der digitalen Bibliothek sollen Bücher, Texte, Podcasts, Filme u.v.m. sein, die das Thema Black Music im populären sowie traditionellen Sinne behandeln.

There are many notable archives doing similar work, yet it isn’t uncommon for some to have a limited view of Black music — one which fuels US-centrism and a preference for vernacular music traditions. This collection considers the term “Black music” more widely, as it aims to address any instances in which Black participation led to the creation or innovation of music across the diaspora. Plainly speaking, that means just about every genre will be included here.

Black artists have often been minimized or omitted entirely when it comes to the discussion, practice, and research of many forms of music. This library seeks to correct that. It is time to reframe Black music history as foundational to American music history, Latinx music history, and popular music history at large.

Selbstverständlich soll die Bibliothek wachsen und durch weiteres Material angereichert werden. Inhalte können über dieses Formular eingereicht werden. Ein gutes Projekt!

(via @progolog