Schwerpunkt dieses Musikvideos von Max Cooper ist die hervorragende Darstellung, sich wiederholender Motive, die nur aus bestimmten Blickwinkeln so beeindruckend und mächtig wirken. Dank der Arbeit von Kevin McGloughlin wurden diese visuellen Eindrücke perfekt mit der Musik von Max Cooper in Einklang gebracht. Echt schick!
I wanted to make something huge and intense for the new live show, so I went for a project attempting to visualise the infinite and its links to us in our everyday lives. For every chapter of the story I found a different technique to approach it, in this case, the simple idea of repetition. Apply it, and we have a form of infinity. This was also a natural fit for my music, where I had a nice excuse to push the repetitive boat out even more than usual. I kept it very stripped back to focus on the idea, with slow evolution and occasional variants to maintain some melodic engagement.
Max Cooper - Repetition
(via Robyn)